Thanks to my casual smoking and my mild Pyromania, I’ve always liked the idea of having instant fire in my pocket everywhere I go. After a few months of carrying cheap lighters, I got tired of seeing them fail and not being able to light them when there was the slightest sign of wind. So, talking about this with my friends, one of them told me about Zippo lighters, which are reliable and windproof. I had seen those lighters before but I had never put much attention on them.
Since Zippo lighter are ridiculously expensive here (about $70 the cheaper models, and I wanted a cool one), I asked my uncle, who has like 3, if I could borrow one for some time to see if it was worth it. For my surprise he said: “Sure! keep it! I never use it anyway.” So that was my first Zippo. It was a matte black Zippo Pipe. Just like the one in the picture.

After a while, I heard about the new Zippo BLU, and I thought it was really cool, since it works with butane, and good quality butane means no stinking-fuel. I looked for them on many stores, but they only had very gay models. I kept looking for a couple of months, and I finally found the one I wanted. It was a simple, non-polished chrome design; no gay patterns. So I bough it! And I have to say, I was very disappointed. One of my favorite features of the classic Zippo is the fact that it’s very easy to light, and it lights up almost every time. With the Zippo BLU, most of the time I have to try up to 10 times to get a flame. I found a video that pretty much shows what I’m talking about. It is a review of the Zippo BLU made by “cutlerylover”, who has made a lot of Zippo videos. Here you go:
I’m not saying it sucks, because it IS a cool lighter. But I have to say I was expecting a lot more from Zippo. So, you guys smoke? What kind of lighter do you use? Do you use it for smoking or just for fun?