Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hey everyone, Ganesh here.

Well, first of all, Hi everyone, i'm Ganesh.
I don't know if Lucius mentioned it before, but he asked me to help around a bit on the blog, since, well, he'll be kinda busy with school and everything, so you guys can expect to see me around here often :).
Today i'm not really going to post anythin in special, since right now i don't have much time, and i just thought it would be a nice idea to introduce myself to everyone here before posting.
Anyways, i'll usually be writing stuff about gaming, music, religion and some other topics you might find interesting, i really hope you guys enjoy reading my articles (And Lucius') as much as we will enjoy writing them for you.
Also, if you guys have any question, or just feel like saying "Hi" feel free to drop a Pm on my blogger account, or mail me via hotmail. I'd really appreciate any comments or suggestions for the blog.

And i guess that's all, but before i leave, i would like to share a "tradition" i used to have on other blogs and flogs; "The daily song". As the name implies, i'll be posting a music video after almost each of my posts (Normally, music that'll match the topic in the post.)
Today, i'm gonna share a pretty cool song which has been on my mind lately, it's a speed metal song, by Joe Stump, which i'm sure you'll guys enjoy if you are into metal (or just feel like listening to something new and cool).
At the beggining, the song is not really that amazing, but after second 34 or so, it'll get just awesome. And from then, it'll just get better and better.

Well, any comments about the song? did you like it?
Thanks for having me here, and see you guys tomorrow. :)



zidane4571 said...

ok thx look fword to seeing your post let us no when he starts bloging again..also the song is kool

Ganesh said...

Thanks a lot =).
And don't worry, Lucius is going to keep bloging, he just won't post as often, so he asked me to write some articles when he has no time.