Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Making Progress

Yesterday I spent the morning working on the SEO for the blog. It’s kind of complicated, but a little research on Google helps a lot. I’m hoping this will improve this blogs popularity and availability.
Title Title Title!!!!
As you can see, I finally had the time to make the Header Image. It’s probably not permanent, since I intend to improve it, but I think it is very good for a start. I designed it using Adobe Illustrator. I think it’s the best application for this kind of work. The fonts I used come from www.1001freefonts.com/, from the Graffiti section. The making didn’t take much time, but getting the idea of what I wanted in my mind, that’s a different story. Feel free to leave a comment with your opinions, suggestions, etc.
Since I start classes next week, I’m trying to leave everything set this week so the blog will be ready for a constant posting of real content. But that doesn’t mean i won’t be dropping some good posts every now and then for the rest of the week, so stay tuned!
Because I like every post to have at least one image, have this one I found a few days ago. It resembles the Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon artwork, bout with some really cool tweaks!


Mr.Awesome said...

The header looks sick dude. Good work. I need to make one for mine one of these days

Liv said...

I like the picture, it looks pretty awesome and nice job on the header

resultsmayvary said...

Are you studying design or is that stuff just for fun? Either way, looks cool dude.

brothers4ever2 said...

I think I just Came.

CS said...

Haha, I do believe we have the same taste in art!

B-P said...

Woah! I like that pic. Looks sweet.

McBindaHouse said...

I love that pic, but I've never been able to find the artist. Any luck finding who did it?

Unreal said...

Nice pic, is it a background?

Come At Me Bro said...

Love it!