Yesterday I spent the morning working on the SEO for the blog. It’s kind of complicated, but a little research on Google helps a lot. I’m hoping this will improve this blogs popularity and availability.
Title Title Title!!!!
As you can see, I finally had the time to make the Header Image. It’s probably not permanent, since I intend to improve it, but I think it is very good for a start. I designed it using Adobe Illustrator. I think it’s the best application for this kind of work. The fonts I used come from, from the Graffiti section. The making didn’t take much time, but getting the idea of what I wanted in my mind, that’s a different story. Feel free to leave a comment with your opinions, suggestions, etc.
Since I start classes next week, I’m trying to leave everything set this week so the blog will be ready for a constant posting of real content. But that doesn’t mean i won’t be dropping some good posts every now and then for the rest of the week, so stay tuned!
Because I like every post to have at least one image, have this one I found a few days ago. It resembles the Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon artwork, bout with some really cool tweaks!
The header looks sick dude. Good work. I need to make one for mine one of these days
I like the picture, it looks pretty awesome and nice job on the header
Are you studying design or is that stuff just for fun? Either way, looks cool dude.
I think I just Came.
Haha, I do believe we have the same taste in art!
Woah! I like that pic. Looks sweet.
I love that pic, but I've never been able to find the artist. Any luck finding who did it?
Nice pic, is it a background?
Love it!
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